Ffmpeg python 2.7
Ffmpeg python 2.7

ffmpeg python 2.7

The reason for wanting to increase the resolution is so that it can be combined later with higher resolution videos. There are also some print commands only in place for troubleshooting.

ffmpeg python 2.7

The value for args is: ['-i', '/var/such that the resultant command being passed to subprocess.Popen is: ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-loglevel', 'verbose', '-i', '/var/The value of loglevel is verbose only for troubleshooting but is intended to run as fatal. The function I use to execute the FFMPEG command is def ffmpeg(args):įfmpeg = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) the FFMPEG command runs fine from the command line but fails within the python script. I'm trying to run a FFMPEG script from within python 3.5.2.

Ffmpeg python 2.7